Hurtings Qoutes

Never cry for the person who hurts you...
just smile and say 
"Thanks for giving me a chance 
to find someone better then you".


Don't blame others for hurting you,
 blame yourself for allowing them too.


One good thing about music,
when it hits you,
you feel no pain...


Nothing hurts more than realizing
He was everything to you and 
You were nothing...


It's better to be alone nobody can hurt you .


Don't trust too much
Don't love too much
Don't hope too much
Because that 
too much
can hurt you 
So Much ...


Your pain is the breaking of the shell 
that encloses your understanding...


My heart was taken by you,
broken by you 
and now it's in pieces
because of you...


Sometimes it's better to be alone
nobody can hurts you...


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