Love Quotes

You light up my World,
And make me forget all my fears,
Your laughter brightens up my days,
And chases away all my tears.


I am in you and you in me, 
mutual in divine love...


A heart is not judged by 
how much you love,
but by how much 
you are loved by others...


Let us always meet each other with smile,
 for the smile is the beginning of love...


Love is life. And if you miss love, 
you miss life...


You are, and always have been,
my dream.


Keep love in your heart.
 A life without it is like a sunless garden
 when the flowers are dead...


A very small degree of hope is sufficient
to cause the birth of love...


I love you with my heart
I love you with my soul
I know you don’t believe in me
but trust me for I know
my love is deep
my love is true
and it will never fade
so tell me 


When someone says 
"I Love You"
watch their actions 
more then their words...


I like not only to be loved,
But also to be told I am Loved..


Love is the beauty 
of the soul...


Failling in Love is the best way to kill your heart
because then it's not yours anymore.
It's laid in a coffin,
waiting to be cremated.


Love is not only something you feel,
it is something you do...


No matter what has happened. 
No matter what you’ve done. 
No matter what you will do. 
I will always love you. I swear it...


Love is like the wind, you can't see it 
but you can feel it...


One day you'll meet someone 
who doesn't care about your 
past because they want to 
be with you in your future...


Love is the river of life 
in the world..


The moment you have in your heart
 this extraordinary thing called love and feel the depth,
the delight, the ecstasy of it,
you will discover that for you 
the World is transformed...


No one falls in love by
choice, it's by chance...


Sometimes Love is
for a Moment and 
Sometimes Love is for Lifetime But
Sometimes a Moment with the
One You Love
Is Enough to spend Your Lifetime...


Love is triumph of imagination
over intelligence...


I can't imagine life without you, yet, here i am alone, 
dreaming of the day i can call you mine.
 And, you are mine, just not all mine. 
I wake up without you. I cry for you still you are away. 
Dreams of crawling into your lap, after a bad day. 
To feel you stroke my hair, I am still your little girl at heart, 
even though, I've grown. And, I miss you so...


When you fully trusted a person without any doubt.
You'll finally get one of two results.
A person for life. 
A lesson for life.


You are adorable.
I LoveYou.
You make my life complete.
I couldn't live without you.
I Love you.


To love someone deeply
gives you strength.
Being loved by someone deeply
gives you courage...


Sometimes, someone comes into your life, 
so unexpectedly, takes your heart by surprise,
 and changes your life forever...


Love is a game that two can play
and both win....


I will Love you until infinity runs out...


The one thing we can never get enough of is love.
And the one thing we never give enough is love.


The best love is the one
that makes you a better person,
without changing you
into someone other than yourself.


The one thing we can never get enough of is love.
And the one thing we never give enough is love.

Love is Life


Love is when you meet someone
who tells you 
something new about yourself...


Love does't need to be perfect.
It just need to be true...


You are adorable.
I LoveYou.
You make my life complete.
I couldn't live without you.
I Love you.


The deep joy we take in the company of people with whom
 we have just recently fallen in love is undisguisable...


 just wanted to be your last...


Love Is Always Life


If you like me
Tell me,
If you miss me 
Show it,
If you love me 
Prove it...


Our heart is the greatest cheater in the world.
It makes thousands of different excuses to stay
in touch with the people we love...


Love and kindness are never wasted. 
They always make a difference. 
They bless the one who receives them,
 and they bless you, the giver...


At the touch of love 
everyone becomes a poet...


I get jealous
I get mad I get worried
I get curious,
That's  only because I care...


Whenever I'm around you
I feel like life's complete. 
I don't know what to say
but you make my heart beat. 
I'm scared to say hello,
but it hurts to say good-bye. 
I've been .....


Use your smile 
to change this world,
But don't let this world
change your smile...


Love is when he gives you a piece of your soul,
 that you never knew was missing...


Love is an endless mystery,
for it has nothing else to explain it...


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