Showing posts with label Expression Quote. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Expression Quote. Show all posts

Friday 22 May 2015

Dedicate yourself

Dedicate yourself to the Good
You deserve and Desire for yourself
Give yourself peace of Mind
You deserve to be Happy
You deserve Delight...

When you realize

When you realize the value of all Life
U dwell less on what is Past 
And concentrate more on the preservation of the Future....

Saturday 24 January 2015

No one realizes

No one realizes the beauty of  Love
Until you are caught in it....

Wednesday 15 October 2014

We live in a wonderful World

We live in a wonderful World 
That is full of Beauty, Charm and Adventure
There is no end to the Adventures 
That we can have if only we seek them 
With our eyes open...

Friday 22 August 2014