Showing posts with label Emotional Quotes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Emotional Quotes. Show all posts

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Love does not begin

Love does not begin and End the way 
We seem to think it does
Love is a Battle, love is a War
Love is a growing up.....

The best and most beautiful things

The best and most beautiful things in the World 
Cannot be seen or even Touched 
They must be felt with the Heart...

Tuesday 23 September 2014

The best part about being Alone

The best part about being Alone 
Is that U Really don't have to Answer to Anybody
You do what U want...

Sunday 15 December 2013

Plz come Back

Plz come Back
I really miss U

Don't say you love me

"Don't say you love me unless you really mean it, 
because I might do something crazy like believe it.

Saturday 14 December 2013

Feelings are Important in our Life as they come

Feelings are Important in our Life as they come
from Heart, If u respond back they Grow, If you
ignore they Die, If you respect they
Stay Forever...

You are the beat of my Heart

You are the beat of my Heart
Lover of my Soul
I shall never leave You
And never wana You let go
You are the beat of my Heart
The one that make me Sing
The 1 who makes me Smile
& I never seem to cry
you are the beat of my Heart
The 1 I really Love
Don't let me out of Ur Sight
For I'm yours by Heart....

The sky is in bloom when I am with you

The sky is in bloom when I am with you...

Saturday 7 December 2013

I may not be pretty

I may not be pretty,
I'm not rich,
I don't have a perfect mind,
I have a good and warm heart
that's made out of the best material
for those who cares.

I'm just me.

I'm just me.
Full of flaws, Scars and insecurities.
The one who truly loves me will see beyond them,
embrace me in spite of them 
and love me through them.