Showing posts with label Feelings Quotes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Feelings Quotes. Show all posts

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Love does not begin

Love does not begin and End the way 
We seem to think it does
Love is a Battle, love is a War
Love is a growing up.....

The best and most beautiful things

The best and most beautiful things in the World 
Cannot be seen or even Touched 
They must be felt with the Heart...

Saturday 24 January 2015

Don't say you Love me

Don't say you Love me unless you mean 
It because I might do something Stupid
like Believe it....

No one realizes

No one realizes the beauty of  Love
Until you are caught in it....

Friday 21 November 2014

Wednesday 15 October 2014

We live in a wonderful World

We live in a wonderful World 
That is full of Beauty, Charm and Adventure
There is no end to the Adventures 
That we can have if only we seek them 
With our eyes open...

Dance. Smile, Giggle, Marvel

Dance. Smile, Giggle, Marvel
Most of all, enjoy every moment of the journey
And appreciate where U are at this moment 
Instead of always focusing on 
How far you have to go...

The face is the mirror of the mind

The face is the mirror of the mind
And Eyes without speaking 
Confess the secrets of the heart...

Saturday 4 October 2014

Falling in Love

Falling in Love, Romance, matters of the heart
when U fall in Love on some biochemical level 
You know there is a chance it won't work out
It's ingrained in us 
that if U take such an enormous 
Risk on someone with your heart 
That it might not pay off
I gamble all my chips and
I might actually lose everything...

When I walk with U

When I walk with U I feel as
  If I had a flower in my buttonhole....

Tuesday 23 September 2014

The best part about being Alone

The best part about being Alone 
Is that U Really don't have to Answer to Anybody
You do what U want...

You have people come into your Life

You have people come into your Life
shockingly and surprisingly
You have losses that you never thought
You'd experience
You have rejection and you have learn 
How to deal with that and
How to get up the next day and go on with it...

Don't go Away

Don't go Away
I don't want to be Alone
   I can't stand being Alone....

Thursday 11 September 2014

You know U are in Love

You know U are in Love 
when U can't fall asleep
Because reality is finally better than your dream

His Dress told her nothing

His Dress told her nothing
But his face told her things 
Which she was glad to know....

Thursday 4 September 2014

What could U give me

What could U give me
I ask, my voice shaking
To make me forget
  That U forgot about me....

Invest Love into your life

 Invest Love into your life
 Because when U Love life
Life will Love U back
   And theres no attraction greater than Love
    People will notice the goodness surrounding U
          And they will be naturally attracted to U......

Let me die the moment

Let me die the moment my Love dies 
Let me not outlive my own capacity to Love
     Let me die still Loving, and so, never die....

I think We Dream so

I think We Dream so
we do not have to be apart for so long
If We are in each other’s Dreams
We can be together all the time....

The only difference between

The only difference between a Wish and a Prayer 
Is that you are at the mercy of the universe for the first
And U have got some help with the second....