Showing posts with label Pain Quotes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pain Quotes. Show all posts

Wednesday 8 October 2014

I wish to weep

I wish to weep
But sorrow is stupid
I wish to believe
   But belief is a graveyard....

Tuesday 23 September 2014

The best part about being Alone

The best part about being Alone 
Is that U Really don't have to Answer to Anybody
You do what U want...

Don't go Away

Don't go Away
I don't want to be Alone
   I can't stand being Alone....

Loneliness expresses the Pain

Loneliness expresses the Pain of being Alone 
And solitude expresses the Glory of being alone...

Monday 14 July 2014

Thursday 3 July 2014

Now something so Sad has hold of us

Now something so Sad has hold of us 
that the Breath leaves and we can't even Cry.....

Nobody deserves U tears

Nobody deserves U tears, 
But whoever deserves them will not make U cry...

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Saturday 14 June 2014

Wednesday 5 February 2014

I tried to Forget U

I tried to Forget U, but the harder I tried, 
the more I thought about U...

Saturday 4 January 2014

This is the problem with getting attached to Someone

This is the problem with getting attached to Someone. 
When they leave, you just feel Lost...

When you are in love and you get Hurt,

When you are in love and you get Hurt,
 it’s like a cut,it will heal,
 but there will always be a scar...

I love crying in the Rain.

I love crying in the Rain. 
Because when i do, no one can hear the Pain.

Some say its Painful to Wait someone.

Some say its Painful to Wait someone. 
Some say its painful to Forget someone. 
But the worst Pain comes,
when you don't know  whether to Wait or forget.

Tuesday 24 December 2013

I know you know that

I know you know that
I'm far from perfect,
but you are my Reason
for trying so Bad...

Saturday 14 December 2013

My heart is not a playground

My heart is not a playground, go play somewhere else...

Don’t give special Place to anyone in your Heart.

Don’t give special Place to anyone in your Heart.
Its easy to give that Place but it Hurts more when
they don’t know the value of that Place...

Friday 13 December 2013

Some people think that to be strong

Some people think that to be strong is
to never feel pain, In reality, the
strongest people are the ones who
feel it, understand it and accept it....