Sad Qoutes

At some point,
you have to realize
that some people can stay 
in your Heart

but not in your Life...


That sad moment when you're telling a story
but you realize nobody's listening to you.


Depression is when you have lots of love,
 but no one's taking...


I know it is hard to trust another when you have been hurt.
You’re protecting your heart, keeping it close to you.
So close you won’t let anyone in,
You say you want to find love...


It's so hard to forget someone
who gave you so much to remember...


It's better to be unhappy alone 
than unhappy with someone so far...


We cannot be together
but we'll never b apart.
For no matter what life brings us
You are always in my heart...


Change is the law of Life. 
And those who look only to the Past or Present are certain to miss the Future...


People think being alone makes you lonely,
but i don't think that's true.
Being surrounded by the wrong
people is the loneliest thing in the world...


Love is all, it gives all, 
and it takes all...


Promises mean everything, 
but after they are broken, 
sorry means nothing...


We may love the wrong person,
And cry over the wrong person,
But one thing is for sure.
Mistakes help us find the right person...


I promise you that
I will share all my thoughts
& Feelings with you
I promise you that
I will understand everything that you do
I promise you that
I will be completely honest with you
I promise you that
I will laugh & cry with you
I promise you that
I will share my life with you
Most important of all
I promise you that
I will love you forever...


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