Showing posts with label Thinking Quotes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thinking Quotes. Show all posts

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Love does not begin

Love does not begin and End the way 
We seem to think it does
Love is a Battle, love is a War
Love is a growing up.....

Wednesday 27 May 2015

When the negative thoughts come

When the negative thoughts come
And they will they come to all of us
It's not enough to just not Dwell on it
You have got to replace it with a Positive Thought...

Saturday 4 October 2014

I think that you have to believe

I think that you have to believe in your destiny
that you will succeed,
You will meet a lot of rejection 
And it is not always a straight path 
There will be detours - so enjoy the view....

Tuesday 23 September 2014

You have people come into your Life

You have people come into your Life
shockingly and surprisingly
You have losses that you never thought
You'd experience
You have rejection and you have learn 
How to deal with that and
How to get up the next day and go on with it...

Thursday 11 September 2014

His Dress told her nothing

His Dress told her nothing
But his face told her things 
Which she was glad to know....

She is not showing any interest

She is not showing any interest in Me 
And she looks like she doesn’t want to be here
Should I take off her handcuffs? 
I thought kidnap victims were supposed 
to fall in Love with their captors??

Thursday 4 September 2014

I think We Dream so

I think We Dream so
we do not have to be apart for so long
If We are in each other’s Dreams
We can be together all the time....

Friday 22 August 2014

It is not what U have or who U are or

It is not what U have or who U are or
where U are or what U are doing
That makes U happy or unhappy
It is what U think about it...

Thursday 19 June 2014

Monday 16 June 2014

Imagine smiling after a slap

Imagine smiling after a slap in the Face.
Then think of doing it twenty-four hours a day...

Friday 6 June 2014

I wonder if you think of me half

I wonder if you think of me half 
as much as I think about U...

Tuesday 24 December 2013