Showing posts with label Reality Quotes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reality Quotes. Show all posts

Friday 20 December 2013

Difficulties in your life

Difficulties in your life 
don't come to destroy you,
But to help you realize 
your hidden Potential...

Sunday 15 December 2013

Simplicity is the ultimate

Simplicity is the ultimate
form of Sophistication...

Saturday 14 December 2013

Feelings are Important in our Life as they come

Feelings are Important in our Life as they come
from Heart, If u respond back they Grow, If you
ignore they Die, If you respect they
Stay Forever...

Stay real

Stay real,Stay loyal,or
Stay away from me 

Don’t give special Place to anyone in your Heart.

Don’t give special Place to anyone in your Heart.
Its easy to give that Place but it Hurts more when
they don’t know the value of that Place...

Friendship is a promise to Understand each other

Friendship is a promise to Understand each other
Friendship is a promise to Respect each other
Friendship is a promise to Remember each other
Friendship is a promise to Share joys and sorrow with each other.

Friday 13 December 2013

Some people think that to be strong

Some people think that to be strong is
to never feel pain, In reality, the
strongest people are the ones who
feel it, understand it and accept it....