Thursday 4 September 2014

I think We Dream so

I think We Dream so
we do not have to be apart for so long
If We are in each other’s Dreams
We can be together all the time....

I am not absentminded

I am not absentminded
It is the presence of Mind 
That makes me unaware of everything else...

The only difference between

The only difference between a Wish and a Prayer 
Is that you are at the mercy of the universe for the first
And U have got some help with the second....

I think... if it is true that

I think... if it is true that 
 there are as many Minds as there 
are heads, then there are as many 
   kinds of Love as there are Hearts....

Wednesday 27 August 2014

The face is a picture

The face is a picture of the mind 
With the Eyes as its interpreter....