Tuesday 2 June 2015

Perfection is not attainable

Perfection is not attainable
But if we chase Perfection 
We can catch Excellence...

The best and most beautiful things

The best and most beautiful things in the World 
Cannot be seen or even Touched 
They must be felt with the Heart...

Wednesday 27 May 2015

It does not do to dwell on Dreams

It does not do to dwell on Dreams 
And Forget to Live.....

Don't Dwell on what went wrong

Don't Dwell on what went wrong
Instead, Focus on what to do next
Spend your Energies on moving 
Forward toward finding the Answer...

When the negative thoughts come

When the negative thoughts come
And they will they come to all of us
It's not enough to just not Dwell on it
You have got to replace it with a Positive Thought...